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Antropología de la introspección
Antropología de la introspección;
Antropología de la introspección
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Pompa y Pompa, Antonio
El autor de este trabajo propone una antropología de la introspección para tal propósito, dice que, el estudio del hombre ha sido y continua a ser un problema central en filosofía y antropología. La antropología nos proporciona los conceptos qué es el hombre, se pregunta, qué es la persona humana y cual es el ser del hombre, examinado profundamente su ontología. The study of man has been and continues to be a central problem in philosophy and Anthropology, due to the fact that man tends to look introspectively to learn about himself, as we have seem him do it historically since the times of ancient civilizations. Socrates and Plato practiced introspection and to them we owe the conceptualization of the interior live which has maintained the human being. Cultural Anthropology, like Philosophy, observes the human perspectives that provide insight into the inidnsic knowledge of mar, as the Delphi Oracle announced with "know yourself' which focuses on an integral sense. In "Sobre el saber filosofico", Kant asks, "What is man?", The question can only be answered by Anthropology, that is by the study of man and his circumstances, as Ortega and Gasset say. The field of Antrhopology leads us therefore to the concepts of what is man, what is the human person and what is the being of man, by examining deeply into man to the most profound point of his ontological personality, where it will be possible to discover the last nucleus of man himself. This can only be explained completely by the field of Anthropology of Introspection.