Artículos de revistas
Del yo al nosotros. Las fronteras transitables de la memoria
Del yo al nosotros. Las fronteras transitables de la memoria;
Del yo al nosotros. Las fronteras transitables de la memoria
Registro en:
Pérez Guerrero, Juan Carlos; Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas
Este trabajo aporta información sobre la afirmación de que la memoria es social, en todas sus manifestaciones nos obliga a tratar al contexto social como elementos determinante en todo proceso cognitivo. Será la inserción y participación en la sociedad, es decir, el quiénes somos, no como una realidad individual, el elementos que hará de nuestra memoria un proceso social. La inserción del sujeto en determinados contextos a lo largo del tiempo producirá que el propio recuerdo esté sometido a una dinámica constante y a una transformación desde el presente.
It is necessaty to think about anthopology from a new position, reconceptualizing of notions from the perspective of a more complex vision and a transdisciplinary methodology which liberates us from the inviolable limits of academic and theoretical exclusiveness in order to deal with themes like memory, based on advances in the new sciences of cognition and pragmatism of communication. From this point of view, one of the most important topics in scientific tasks could be rethought. The sentence “Memory is social in every way” forces us to admit that Social Context is a determinant element of the cognition process. It is not an individual reality, but who we are; it means the insertion and taking part in society that will transform our memory into social process. The insertion of the subject into specific context through time will result in memory being subjected to a constant dynamic and transformation in the present. Thus, memories will be a construction from on. It will be a political action where the anthropologist will interpret conscientiously as a part or the social context.