dc.creatorVigueras Zúñiga, Marco Osvaldo; Universidad Veracruzana, México Facultad de Ingeniería
dc.creatorValera Medina, Agustín; Cardiff University School of Engineering, United Kingdom
dc.creatorSyred, Nicholas; Cardiff University School of Engineering, United Kingdom
dc.creatorDe la Rosa Urbalejo, Daniel; Cardiff University School of Engineering, United Kingdom
dc.descriptionLean premixed combustion using swirling flows is widely used in gas turbines and combustion. Although flashback is not generally a problem with natural gas combustion, there are some reports of flashback damage with existing gas turbines, whilst hydrogen enriched fuel blends cause concerns in this area. Thus, this paper describes a practical approach to study and avoid flashback in a pilot scale 100 kW tangential swirl burner. The flashback phenomenon is studied experimentally via the derivation of flashback limits for a variety of different geometrical conditions. A high speed camera is used to visualize the process and distinguish new patterns of avoidance. The use of a central fuel injector is shown to give substantial benefits in terms of flashback resistance. Conclusions are drawn as to mitigation technologies.es-ES
dc.publisherFacultad de Ingenieríaes-ES
dc.sourceIngeniería Investigación y Tecnología; Vol 15, No 4 (2014)es-ES
dc.subjectflashback, swirling flows, high speed photographyes-ES
dc.titleFlashback Avoidance in Swirling Flow Burnerses-ES
dc.typeArtículos de revistas
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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