Let´s learn to pronounce english correctly
Argudo Rivadeneira, Lourdes
Carmona Yepez, Karla
This work pretends to solve conflictive situations in the educative process. We want to reduce the high index of mispronunciation of English word and improve the tools the teacher uses. The tools are not sufficient and adequate to develop the speaking skill (pronunciation). The children show indifference and insecurity to pronounce English words. The teacher does not get to fulfill his expectations. In this situation, we formulate an educative proposal which contains methodological strategies, activities, and techniques to optimize the time we have to teach English Language. We have worked on this theme because we are involved and we know the problems that are present in teaching the learning English process. Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación. Especialidad Lengua y Literatura Inglesa Cuenca