Propuesta de mejoramiento de los planes de mantenimiento de los equipos criticos de generacion electrica de la Central de Produccion y Facilidades (CPF), utilizando (RCM), en el Bloque 15 de Petroamazonas
2015-12Registro en:
Benítez Santillán, Iván Leonardo. (2016). Propuesta de mejoramiento de los planes de mantenimiento de los equipos criticos de generacion electrica de la Central de Produccion y Facilidades (CPF), utilizando (RCM), en el Bloque 15 de Petroamazonas. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Benítez Santillán, Iván Leonardo
Oil production in Indillana block 15 in Petroamazonas, i mplemented critical equipment
mai ntenance plans t o generate electrical in the production and facilities plant (CPF), by applying
the reliability centered maint enance methodology (RCM). The RCM analyzes the function of
each element to determine if it is under initial conditions of, or if has lost performance; the
purpose is to establish the failure modes or damage cause and determine t he effect, in order t o
obtain or optimize the maintenance plans in critical elements of an asset. The four power
generation systems were analyzed. The obtained critical assets have presented different flaws i n
the operating ti me. Even though the frequency in t he maj orit y of the equipment has been
classi fied as "Remote", it is important to know the starting point in terms of maintenance
indicators. The redundancy of elements within the Power Generation System is evident, the mai n
cause for the obtained qualifications according to the consequences analysis are indicators which
show that the s ystem has a good reliability. Based on the results, additional tasks are determinate
to be taken int o account for future maintenance of these units considered as critical i n t he PAM
and CPF operations. The developed guides and protocols contributes to the inexistence of
confusi on i n emergency situations facing with sudden non-planned stops in four di fferent
scenarios. It is recommended t o use this technique in all the operation equipment used to obtai n