dc.contributorLópez, Edgar
dc.contributorCazar Ramírez, Robert Alcides
dc.contributorEcheverría Guadalupe, Magdy Mileni
dc.contributorYaulema Garcés, Fausto Manolo
dc.creatorGuevara Almendaríz, José Vinicio
dc.identifierGuevara Almendaríz, José Vinicio. (2004). Análisis del cumplimiento a la Normativa Ambiental para actividades hidrocarburíferas de Petroecuador y sus filiales. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
dc.description.abstractHydrocarbon activities in Ecuador have benefitted the State, the different enterprises, and the population where this activity is placed. However, the spreading and development of this industry also have generated socio-environmental problems, i.e. pollution and environmental degradation, derived from environmental eventualities, in some cases with health repercussions to the population living at the zone of influence and ecological balance of ecosystems. Inside the process of technical and administrative fortifying, the National Direction of Environmental Protection, The Subsecretary of Environmental Protection of the Energy and Mining Ministry, consider the complementing and implementing of the environmental information, the basis for the analysis of achievement to the Environmental Normative, as well as to validate and propose a plan to fortify the environmental management of the State Enterprise and its subsidiaries, specifically or Impact Studies, Management Plans and Environmental Auditories. The execution methodological frame describes at the beginning the compiling of environmental information, followed by Envir onmental Liabilities, i.e. fields and oil facilities operated by Petroproduction, the information systematized and the execution of a tracking strategic plan; the hydroc arbon environmental information of Petroecuador and its subsidiaries was revised since 1996 until March 2004, mainly: Terms of Reference for EIA and AA, Impact Environmental Studies (Environmental Diagnostic), Plans and Programs of Environmental Management, Environmental Auditories, monitoring points, reports of inner Environmental Monitoring, communications and reports are in Energy and Mines Ministry. Also, the information sent and asked was checked (observations to the different studies, recommendations, complementary information, conditions previous approval, etc.) by the Ministerial Dependence in its program of Control and Environmental Tracking. The identified environmental liabilities as a result of developed activities and different facilities in fields an oil sites, and on basis to priority conceptual criteria showed flow passives as very important because the inst allations are still using equipments, and other civil works that are causing damage to the environment. However, there are - iv - environmental damage caused by accumulated passives like filled pools which have degraded oil and abandoned pools at open sky. Matrixes EEAs-Petroecuador_CAMPOS , EEAs_Petroecuador_FILIALES , CSA_ AAs_Petroecuador_FILIALES , CSA_Seguimiento_FILIALES , EEAs_Campos_ Marginales-ITT , among others, register fulfillments and non-fulfillments to the actual Environmental Normative, mainly to the Substitute Regulation of the Environmental Regulation for Hydrocarbon Operations in Ecuador (DE 1215 on February 13, 2001), to each of the installations, activities and/or realized projects. Petroecuador and its subsidiaries have not accomplished totally many the established requirements in the current Environmental Regulation, however, since the release the accomplished level got better (a presentation of TDR, EIA, Public Presentations, Annual Environmental Budgets, sites and reports of inner environmental driving, etc.), reflecting a decrease in the number of non-accomplishments until a 78,57%, in these last years, thanks to a better coordination with the units in charge with the environmental protection inside the subsidiaries, GPA-PE, to the control and following implemented by SPA/DINAPA, as well as the implement ed politics to the management, which is implemented by the Statal Enterprise.
dc.publisherEscuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
dc.subjectNORMA ISO 14001
dc.titleAnálisis del cumplimiento a la Normativa Ambiental para actividades hidrocarburíferas de Petroecuador y sus filiales.

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