Evaluación de Diferentres Niveles de B okashi más la Adición de Giberalinas en la Producción de Pasto Avena Arrhenatherum elatius.
2013-10-24Registro en:
Cayambe Padilla, Mariela Alexandra. (2013). Evaluación de Diferentres Niveles de B okashi más la Adición de Giberalinas en la Producción de Pasto Avena Arrhenatherum elatius. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Cayambe Padilla, Mariela Alexandra
Different levels of bokashi (4, 5 and 6 t/ha) with gibberellins (100, 200 and 300
cc)in the Arrhenatherum elatius productionusing a control treatment were
evaluated in San Juan sector, Ucasaj community, province of Chimborazo. Three
replications per treatment were carried out distributed under at a completely
randomized block design with bifactorial arrangement. The results show statistical
differences (P< 0,05) among averages registering better results with 6t/ha, of
bokashi because the aerial coverage was increased 93,04% in 30 days and
72,71% in 60 days, the basal coverage 27,58% in 30 days and 25,75% in 60
days. The best fresh forage production (80,93 t/ha/year), seed (379,42 kg) and
germination percentage (91,67%) were gotten by using 4 t/ha, of bokashi.
Statistical differences werenot shown by combining levels of bokashi and
gibberellins. The best fresh forage production (85,64% t/ha/year) was determined
by applying 4 t/ha of bokashi without adding gibberellins. Using 4 t/ha of bokashi
is more profitable with a benefit of 1,91 as for the economic analysis. Therefore,
it is recommended to use 4 t/ha of bokashi because plant height, aerial and basal
coverage, green forage production and dry matter of Arrhenatherum elatius are
increased significantly.