Efecto de la Inclusión de Diferentes Niveles de un Preparado Microbiano en Porcinos en la Etapa de Post-Destete
2012-11-14Registro en:
Viteri Chuquimarca, Susana Belén. (2012). Efecto de la Inclusión de Diferentes Niveles de un Preparado Microbiano en Porcinos en la Etapa de Post-Destete. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Viteri Chuquimarca, Susana Belén
In pig production Unit of Ciencies Pecuarias Faculty, Escuela de Ingenieria
Zootecnica at ESPOCH, which is located in Riobamba Cantòn, Chimborazo
Province. It was evaluated the effect of different levels including a microbial
preparation in pigs F1 landrace x Largue White witch faster finisher Belgain
Whithe x Pietrain, in the Post – Weaningv stage, distributed under a completely
Randomized Desing and evaluating different variables for 120 days of
investigation. Determining the highest total weight gain and daily 20.25 Kg and
428.14g respectively, included in the diet supplied microbial preparation in doses
of 15 cc/Kg live weight, with what is established the value efficient in feed
conversión whit 1.87. Moreover, the the best profitability in the stage of post –
weaning pigs was determined in animals treated with the microbial preparation
supplied in doses of 15cc/Kg of live weigth, achieving a level of profit – cost 1.69
USD. It is recomended the use of 15cc/Kg of live weigth of the combined
microbial, in pigs in post – weaning stage because in the present investigation
were stablished the more efficient parameters in terms of production and
economic yields. In addition, share the results of this research at the level of semi
– intensive farms and allowing a better adaptation of the pigs during post –
weaning stage order preveting digestive diseases in animals.