Now showing items 51-60 of 6392
A low cost adaptation of the t-butyl alcohol freeze-drying methodA low cost adaptation of the t-butyl alcohol freeze-drying method
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2017)
Warmer Temperatures Affect the in situ Freezing Resistance of the Antarctic Vascular Plants
Although positive effects on growth and reproduction of Antarctic vascular plants have been reported under warmer temperatures, it could also increase the vulnerability of these plants to freezing. Thus, we assessed in ...
Mathematical prediction of freezing times of bovine semen straws placed in static vapor over liquid nitrogen
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2013-02)
A widespread practice in cryopreservation is to freeze spermatozoa by suspending the straws in stagnant nitrogen vapor over liquid nitrogen (N2V/LN2) for variable periods of time before plunging into liquid nitrogen (-196 ...
Physical and Functional Properties of Blackberry Freeze- and Spray-Dried Powders
(Taylor & Francis, 2013-12)
The aim of the present work was to develop two products from blackberry juice by freeze- and spray-drying with the potential use as food colorants or healthy ingredients. A characterization of the physical and functional ...
Evaluation of the effect of freezing milk samples on the refractive index for copper(II) serum determination
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), 2015)
Sublimation conditions as critical factors during freeze-dried probiotic powder production
(Drying Technology, 2019-03-04)
The aim was to study the effect of sublimation temperature (from –20 C to –10 C) and
sublimation time (from 18 to 40 h) on the viability of Lactobacillus fermentum K73, the moisture content and the texture features by ...
Anisakids survival after microwaving, freezing and salting fish from Argentina
(Karger, 2010-09)
Some studies support the effectiveness in controlling nematodes in fishes for human consumption by freezing at -20̈C and by cooking at 74̈C by microwave process. The aim of this work was to analyse the effect of different ...
Effect of Process Parameters on the Progressive Freeze Concentration of Sucrose Solutions
(Chemical Engineering Communications, 2017-06-15)
The progressive freeze concentration of sucrose solutions was tested. The effect of the initial concentration of the solution (C0), the temperature of the refrigerant (T), and the stirring speed (ω) on the final concentration ...