Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 356
Effect of a wet market on coronavirus disease (COVID-19) transmission dynamics in China, 2019–2020
Objectives: The novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) originating from Wuhan spread rapidly throughout
China. While its origin remains uncertain, accumulating evidence links a wet market with the early
spread of SARS-CoV-2 in ...
Proyecto de exportación de cuero curtido (WET BLUE) hacia el mercado de Shanghái-China por la empresa Curtiembre Aldas, cantón Ambato, provincia de Tungurahua.
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2017-11-17)
The present investigation aims to design a project of finished leather exportation (Wet blue) toward the market of Shanghai-China by Curtiembre Aldas Company in Canton Ambato, Tungurahua Province, in order to determine its ...
General economic equilibrium with financial markets and retainability
(Springer, 2017)
A theory of economic equilibrium for incomplete financial markets in general real assets is developed in a new formulation with currency-denominated prices. The "goods" are not only commodities, and they can influence ...
Fatty acids recovery from vegetable oil wet sludge by supercritical alcoholysis
(Elsevier Science, 2013-07)
In the last decade the production of soybean and sunflower oil has greatly increased worldwide. Together with it, the market of the oil refining by-products, phospholipids sludge (wet gum) and distillates of the deodorizer ...
Submission of Rifaximin to Different Techniques: Characterization, Solubility Study, and Microbiological Evaluation
Rifaximin, an oral antimicrobial drug, is marketed as 200-mg tablets. The daily dose ranges from 600 mg (1 tablet 3 times a day) to 800 mg (2 tablets twice a day). It is used for a wide range of ages, from adults to children, ...
Variational inequalities and economic equilibrium
Variational inequality representations are set up for a general Walrasian model of consumption and production with trading in a market. The variational inequalities are of functional rather than geometric type and therefore ...
Avaliação sensorial da carne bovina sob maturação úmida e seca
(Universidade Federal do TocantinsAraguaínaCURSO::ARAGUAÍNA::PRESENCIAL::BACHARELADO::ZOOTECNIAAraguaínaGraduação, 2023)