Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 125
A Comparative Study of the Sounds of European and Brazilian Portuguese: Phonemes and Allophones
This chapter focuses on the sounds of Brazilian Portuguese (BP) with special attention given to the Paulista dialect. When European Portuguese (EP) presents noticeable differences from BP the author provides appropriate ...
Vowel formants in the ngäbere of Costa RicaFormantes vocálicos en el ngäbere de Costa Rica
(Universidad de Costa Rica. Campus Rodrigo Facio. Sitio web: https://www.ucr.ac.cr/ Teléfono: (506) 2511-4000. Correo de soporte: revistas@ucr.ac.cr, 2019)
Phonemic symbols in English
English is a very tricky language to use at the
beginning especially for Spanish speakers, and it
is the topic we are going to cover today.
I would like to start explaining that English has
some especial sounds that ...
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2013)
Vowel systems of the Chibchan languages
This paper presents the phonological vowel systems of 16 Chibchan languages, according to existing descriptions. The purpose is to provide a basic and systematic overview of the vowel systems found in this family. For each ...
Quechua postvelar phoneme and its coarticulatory effectsEl fonema postvelar quechua y sus efectos coarticulatorios
(Fondo Editorial UNMSMFondo Editorial UNMSM, 1979)
Patterns of (De)glottalization in Nivacle
(Cascadilla Proceedings Project, 2015)
Nivacle is the only Mataguayan language where glottalization in vowels has been reported as a contrastive feature. Specifically, Stell (1989:97) postulates a phonemic distinction between plain vowels and glottalized vowels. ...
Short and Long “A” and “I” phonemes recognition in reading and writing through an Elkonin Boxes adaptation in second grade elementary school children
(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2021-11)
"In the context of the teaching of English in Mexico, the need to explore methodological didactics that strengthen learning is relevant. Proper pronunciation of English is important since it can provide students with greater ...