Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 5772
Habitat quality, not habitat amount, drives mammalian habitat use in the Brazilian Pantanal
Context: An understanding of species-habitat relationships is required to assess the impacts of habitat fragmentation and degradation. To date, habitat modeling in fragmented landscapes has relied on landscape composition ...
Theoretical and conceptual foundations about the socio-environmental vulnerability and the habitatFundamentos teóricos-conceptuales en torno a la vulnerabilidad socioambiental y el hábitat
(Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas, 2021)
Importance of habitat quality and composition in the movement of Magellanic woodpeckers (Campephilus magellanicus) in a heterogeneous forest landscape.
(Universidad de Chile, 2018-11)
La calidad del hábitat influencia el movimiento y las decisiones de forrajeo de los 2 animales salvajes en escalas jerárquicas de tiempo y espacio, pero la heterogeneidad 3 puede imponer restricciones en el movimiento, lo ...
Distribution and habitat suitability index model for the Andean catfish Astroblepus ubidiai (Pisces: Siluriformes) in Ecuador
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2006)
Responses of Chilean forest birds to anthropogenic habitat fragmentation across spatial scales
Although it is recognized that anthropogenic forest fragmentation affects habitat use by organisms across multiple spatial scales, there is uncertainty about these effects. We used a hierarchical sampling design spanning ...
Habitat amount partially affects physiological condition and stress level in Neotropical fruit-eating bats
Hematological measures are increasingly being used to analyse the impact of several stressors on the physiological condition of animals. Landscape degradation and habitat loss impacts terrestrial and volant mammals occurrence, ...
Habitat amount, habitat heterogeneity, and their effects on arthropod species diversity
(Brasil, 2013)
Not all studies have empirically supported the model that predicts a positive relationship between habitat heterogeneity and biodiversity. We hypothesized that these different results stem from the methods used to assess ...