Mostrando ítems 1-6 de 6
Ultra-long-acting antivirals as chemical vaccines to prevent viral diseases
For two centuries, vaccines have been successful in the fight against viruses, triggering immune protection. Indeed, the elimination of smallpox, the only infectious disease eradicated to date, was made possible through ...
Ultra-long-acting (XLA) antivirals for chronic viral hepatitis
Viral hepatitis is among the top four causes of mortality globally, causing 1.4 million deaths each year, exceeding tuberculosis, malaria and human immunodeficiency virus. Hepatitis B and C are responsible for 90% of ...
Treatment of hepatitis delta and HIV infection
Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is a defective agent that only infects individuals with hepatitis B virus (HBV). Around 5–10% of chronic hepatitis B patients worldwide are superinfected with HDV, which means 15–25 million ...
Actividad larvicida y efecto residual de piperidinas e insecticidas organofosforados en las proteínas de Aedes aegypti (Díptera: Culicidae)
(Universidad Santo TomásMaestría Ciencias y Tecnologías AmbientalesFacultad de Química Ambiental, 2021-03-15)
The purpose of this research was to determine the activity, susceptibility, and resistance of larvae on third instar of mosquito Aedes aegypti to insecticides known as Malathion, Chlorpyrifos, and Temephos, as well as to ...
Control biológico de fitopatógenos, insectos y ácaros: agentes de control biológico. V. 1
(Corporación colombiana de investigación agropecuaria - AGROSAVIAMosquera, 2018)
El presente libro recoge los desarrollos más relevantes a nivel mundial, las experiencias de Corpoica (hoy AGROSAVIA) y el trabajo de décadas de los coautores nacionales e internacionales que hacen parte del mismo. La ...