Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2230
The role of third actor in Sophocles’ AjaxFunción del tercer actor en Áyax de Sófocles
(Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Humandiades. Instituto de Letras, 2022)
Can third-party news forums help financial education
(Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies, 2021)
This brief reflection analyses how a third-party news forum can contribute to its users' financial education by exchanging financial information. However, it also shows that this medium can generate misinformation. For ...
As relações interpessoais em redes de apoio ao terceiro setor
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2012-09-28)
The social relationships are an essential element for the effectiveness of interorganizational relationships. Although not a clear concept, there is a strong relationship between trust and social interaction processes in ...
As relações interpessoais em redes de apoio ao terceiro setor
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2012-09-28)
The social relationships are an essential element for the effectiveness of interorganizational relationships. Although not a clear concept, there is a strong relationship between trust and social interaction processes in ...
Civil society and "third sector": embezzlement of the theoretical-political legacy of Gramsci
(Pontificia Univ Catolica ParanaCuritibaBrasil, 2008)
A Driving Force, Odin Teatret: Convergence of Diverse Performance Trainings in Ur-Hamlet
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2022)
Managing Social Condominiums. Strategies for third sector intermediaries to support low-income homeowners in ChileManaging social condominiums. Strategies for third sector intermediaries to support low-income homeowners in Chile
In Chile, social condominiums are a significant part of the affordable owner-occupied housing stock. However, after decades of occupancy, this housing stock shows rapid signs of deterioration and devaluation due to neglected ...
The Plea of State of Necessity: A palatable normative framework for extraterritorial self-defense against Non-State ActorsEl Alegato de Estado de Necesidad: Un marco jurídico digerible para la legítima defensa extraterritorial contra Actores No Estatales
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021)
Third party funding: concepto y viabilidad en Chile
(Universidad de Chile, 2023)
El financiamiento de litigios por terceros, comúnmente referido como Third Party Funding, es una temática que desde hace algunos años ha ido despertando el interés tanto de la academia como de los actores del mundo de la ...