Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 10030
Research in the School: Theoretical and Methodological Reflections
In this work I socialize my experience as researcher in an elementary school in a city in the state of Sã o Paulo during two years. The presence in the school aimed to understand how teachers would re-create the public ...
Michelle, Cristina e Dilma: a construção dos ethé femininos nos discursos políticos sul-americanos?
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Linguística - PPGLCâmpus São Carlos, 2017-11-10)
The transformations that took place in the history of women, the changes in political discourse, the new methodologies used in Discourse Analysis formed the backdrop for this research that focuses on the way of construction ...
El enfoque teórico metodológico para el trabajo metodológico en las instituciones de la educación superiorThe methodological theoretical approach to methodological work in the institutions of higher education
(Editorial Ciencia digital Registrada en la Cámara Ecuatoriana del Libro No Afiliación 663 (Editor DrC. Efraín Velasteguí López. PhD.), 2020)
A Theoretical and Methodological Review on the Study of Culture in Labor Organizations
Objectives: We aim to analyze the conceptualization of organizational culture from a theoretical point of view, towhat extent it relates to other relevant organizational variables and what problems and dilemmas appear at ...
The Everyday Life in Public Health Research: a theoretical and methodological framework
The aim of this paper is to present some reflections on possibilities to investigate everyday life by examining ways of life, so as to broaden perspectives to the field of research in public health, in light of the fact ...
Reflections about the theoretical-methodological sesgos presented in studies with a gender perspective referred to womenReflexiones sobre los sesgos teórico–metodológicos presentes en los estudios con perspectiva de género referidos a las mujeres
(Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, 2017)