Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 63
Differential speciation rates, colonization time and niche conservatism affect community assembly across adjacent biogeographical regions
Aim: To test the importance of evolutionary and biogeographical processes in shaping the assembly of local frog communities in two adjacent regions (hereafter, coastal and inland regions) with different historical signatures. ...
Genetic divergence in tropical anurans: deeper phylogeographic structure in forest specialists and in topographically complex regions
(Springer, 2015-09-01)
Many tropical organisms show large genetic differences among populations, yet the prevalent drivers of the underlying divergence processes are incompletely understood. We explored the effect of several habitat and natural ...
Índices topográficos corneales en pacientes con defectos refractivos atendidos en la clínica Latino entre el período 2016-2018. Cuenca, 2019.
Background: Corneal topography is a no-invasive image technique that draw de curve, shape and characteristics of corneal surface. Corneal topographic indices are quantitative parameters that assess the optical quality and ...
Topography, more than land cover, explains genetic diversity in a Neotropical savanna tree frog
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2020-08-31)
Aim: Effective conservation policies rely on information about population genetic structure and the connectivity of remnants of suitable habitats. The interaction between natural and anthropogenic discontinuities across ...
Topographical, climatic, and geological controls of groundwater flow in mountainous systems - impact on mountain block recharge and groundwater-surface water interaction
Mountains, often referred to as the world's water towers, play a vital role in global water distribution. They receive significant precipitations and redistribute these waters to lower regions, thereby sustaining a major ...
Macroecological factors shape local-scale spatial patterns in agriculturalist settlements
(The Royal Society, 2017)
Macro-scale patterns of human systems ranging from population distribution to linguistic diversity have attracted recent attention, giving rise to the suggestion that macroecological rules shape the assembly of human ...
Quantifying the Effect of LiDAR Data Density on DEM QualityCuantificación del efecto de la densidad de datos de LiDAR en la calidad del DEM
(Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, 2021)
Determinantes ecológicos de processos macro e microevolutivos em regiões complexas
Mountain areas around the world cover less than 15% of global land surface;
nevertheless, they concentrate around 90% of the hotspots of species diversity
and 40% of the hotspots of endemism. Available evidence suggest ...
Fine-scale climate variability in a complex terrain basin using a high-resolution weather station network in southeastern Brazil
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2019-01-01)
Montane climates are shaped by high spatial variability that depends on net radiation and synoptic weather, and much on elevation and topographic features of terrain. We measured near-ground meteorological variables using ...
Quantifying the Effect of LiDAR Data Density on DEM QualityCuantificación del efecto de la densidad de datos de LiDAR en la calidad del DEM
(Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, 2021)