Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 609
El diferencial salarial docente y sus determinantes : un estudio sobre Argentina, Chile y Uruguay
(Universidad de San Andrés. Escuela de Educación, 2015-04)
Teacher salary differentials : an empirical analysis of the incentives teachers face in Argentina in 2013
(Universidad de San Andrés. Departamento de Economía, 2016)
Do higher salaries yield better teachers and better student outcomes?
(Universidad de Montevideo, Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales y Economía, Departamento de Economía, 2018)
We study the effects of a policy aimed at attracting more experienced and better qualified teachers in primary schools in disadvantaged neighborhoods in Uruguay. Teachersin these schoolscould earn higher salaries. Estimates ...
Evolution of Teachers’ Salaries in Latin America at the Turn of the 20th Century : How Much Are They (Under or Over) Paid?
(Institute for the Study of Labor, 2012)
How much are teachers paid in comparison to those in other professions in Latin America? How have these differences evolved at the turn of the 20th century? This paper reports the evolution, between circa 1997 and circa ...
Evolution of Teachers’ Salaries in Latin America at the Turn of the 20th Century : How Much Are They (Under or Over) Paid?
(Institute for the Study of Labor, 2012)
How much are teachers paid in comparison to those in other professions in Latin America? How have these differences evolved at the turn of the 20th century? This paper reports the evolution, between circa 1997 and circa ...
Avaliação da política salarial dos professores de economia de universidades federais
O objetivo central deste trabalho é avaliar a política salarial dos professores de economia de universidades federais, utilizando-se de informações relativas à formação, tempo de conclusão (seja da graduação, mestrado, ...
Contributions from recent academic production on the teachers remuneration for the discussion of target 17 of the national education planContribuições da produção acadêmica recente sobre remuneração docente para discussão da Meta 17 do PNE
(Associação Nacional de Pesquisa em Financiamento da Educação, 2015)
Higher salaries, more teaching, better performance? The effects of the introduction of the minimum salary for teachers in Brazil
De acordo com a literatura empírica, há fortes evidências de que, após o controle de características socioeconômicas dos alunos, a qualidade dos professores é o fator mais importante para explicar o desempenho do aluno em ...
Who wants to become a teacher?
(OECD, 2015-12)
Across OECD countries, 5% of students expect to work as teachers: 3% of boys and 6% of girls. The academic profile of students who expect to work as teachers varies, but in many OECD countries, students who expect to work ...