Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 4240
Understanding supervision-helping to meet new challengesEntendiendo la supervisión-una ayuda para enfrentar nuevos desafíos
(Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Escuela de Trabajo Social, 2020)
Sistematización de prácticas de supervisión del Cosam Pudahuel. Lineamientos para la consolidación de la supervisión institucional
(Universidad de Chile, 2017)
La presente propuesta de investigación buscará conocer las prácticas de supervisión
implementadas por el equipo de supervisores de los diferentes programas desarrollados en
el COSAM Pudahuel, con el propósito de plantear ...
Supervision of Teaching Practices: A Debt to Initial Teacher TrainingLa Supervisión de Prácticas Docentes: Una Deuda Pendiente de la Formación Inicial de ProfesoresSupervisáo de Práticas de Ensino: uma divida para Formagao Inicial de Professores
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades., 2018)
Supervised teaching practice in physical education: The mobilization of teacher knowledges
This work focuses on the training of physical education teachers in the Supervised Teaching Practice. It aims to understand the knowledges that are mobilized in the Supervised Teaching Practice. The qualitative research, ...
Family Therapy: Clinical Supervision as a Sociocultural Generative Practice
The present article understands clinical supervision as a sociocultural practice that concerns the construction of meanings and relationships in the field of family therapy, by means of which learning and transformation ...
The supervised teaching practice as a central locus of the professionalization of teachingO Estágio Curricular Supervisionado como Lócus Central da Profissionalização do Ensino
This article brings some reflections about teacher education and the teaching professionalization movement, focusing on supervised teaching practice. There are two study questions to discuss: 1) How supervised teaching ...
The teacher mentoring role and the reflexive teacher formation during supervised internships in the science education area
In the initial teacher education scenario, the supervised internships are considered as privileged spaces for the teacher’s professional development, while a reflexive practice is one of the paradigms which guide this ...
The curricular stage supervised in physical education: teaching knowledge and the theory-practical relationship
(Univ Fed Sao Carlos, 2019-01-01)
This work discuss the supervised internship in the formation of the Physical Education teacher from the knowledge and the theory-practice relationship. The research was descriptive/qualitative carried out in a university ...
This work reflects on the importance of specific training to become a clinical supervisor. Current developments in the field of psychotherapy make it increasingly evident and necessary to consider clinical supervision as ...