Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 265
The influence of landscape on the spatial and temporal distribution of stream macroalgal communities of two types of subtropical biomes
(Asoc Espan Limnol-mislata, 2013-12-01)
Landscape properties must be considered in the interpretation of ecological patterns of stream macroalgal communities. In this study, we sampled streams with different types of riparian cover from two biomes (highland ...
The influence of landscape on the spatial and temporal distribution of stream macroalgal communities of two types of subtropical biomes
(Asoc Espan Limnol-mislata, 2014)
The influence of landscape on the spatial and temporal distribution of stream macroalgal communities of two types of subtropical biomes
(Asoc Espan Limnol-mislata, 2014)
A research agenda for the restoration of tropical and subtropical grasslands and savannas
Despite growing recognition of the conservation value of grassy biomes, our understanding of how to restore biodiverse tropical and subtropical grassy biomes (grasslands and savannas; TGB) remains limited. Several tools ...
Florística de mata ciliar em São Martinho da Serra, RS, Brasil
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBRCiências BiológicasUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Agrobiologia, 2014-03-07)
Riparian forests are plant formations associated with environments with water courses, valued, mostly, for the role of stabilizing riverbanks and allow species gene flow. This work aims to survey the flora of herbaceous ...
Seed local adaptation and seedling plasticity account for Gleditsia triacanthos tree invasion across biomes
(Oxford University Press, 2019-07)
Background and Aims: Phenotypic plasticity and local adaption can contribute to the success of invasive species. While the former is an environmentally induced trait, the latter involves a selection process to filter the ...
Evolution of the indoor biome
(CIENCIAS, 2015)
Few biologists have studied the evolutionary processes at work in indoor environments. Yet indoor environments comprise approximately 0.5% of ice-free land area – an area as large as the subtropical coniferous forest biome. ...
Biomassa acima do solo de espécies arbóreas em floresta estacional decidual
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMUFSM Frederico Westphalen, 2021-09-06)
The Atlantic Forest biome and its associated ecosystems are of great ecological importance in Brazil. Studies aimed at obtaining the quantification of biomass in areas with this coverage can provide important data on the ...
Ant taxonomic and functional diversity show differential response to plantation age in two contrasting biomes
(Elsevier Science, 2019-04)
The increasing global demand for lumber and pulp has led to the conversion of natural habitats into monocultures of fast-growing tree plantations. The environmental filtering model proposes that both environmental ...
Bird Diversity in Urban Ecosystems: The Role of the Biome and Land Use Along Urbanization Gradients
(Springer, 2019-01)
Urbanization is an expanding process worldwide, causing major threats to biodiversity through both species extinction and biotic homogenization. Most studies focusing on urban ecosystems have been conducted in temperate ...