Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 52
(Universidad Católica del Norte, Departamento de Matemáticas, 2009)
Marxism, structuralism and psychoanalysis: Althusser’s paths of reception in argentinian psychoanalytic culture (1965–76)
(Brill Academic Publishers, 2019-12-19)
Althusser's reception within Argentinian psychoanalytic culture assumed a variety of different forms. For the purposes of delimiting mediations between Marxism, structuralism and psychoanalysis in Argentina during the 1960s ...
Factores que influyen en el consumo de alcohol de adolescentes argentinos: un path analisis prospectivoFactors influencing alcohol consumption in Argentine adolescents: A prospective path analysis
(Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Departamento de Psicología, 2013-12)
El inicio temprano del consumo de alcohol se relaciona con el desarrollo de un patrón de consumo riesgoso y de problemas relacionados al consumo. Dada la importancia de desarrollar modelos conceptuales integrales y ...
Is there an influence of short-term solar activity variations on mesopause region airglow?
(Elsevier, 2007-12)
A-priori, rapid variations of solar activity that directly impact on the terrestrial environment should be expected to influence airglow brightness in the mesopause region via the photodissociative production of atomic ...
Equatorial E and F Region scattering structures over Jicamarca
(Trans - Equatorial and Near Equatorial Radio Propagation (TENERP), 1993)
During the IGY, from December 1957 to November 1958, Trans-equatorial, 50 MHz forward scatter propagation studies were carried out in Perú by the National Bureau of Standards. They had different propagation paths. They ...
Flavonoid Derivatives Targeting BCR-ABL Kinase: Semisynthesis, Molecular Dynamic Simulations and Enzymatic Inhibition
Background: Natural products have been universally approached in the research of novel trends useful to detail the essential paths of the life sciences and as a strategy for pharmacothera-peutics. Objective: This work ...
Following the crumbs: statistical effects of ram pressure in galaxies
(OUP, 2019)
We analyse the presence of dust around galaxy group members through the reddening of background quasars. By taking into account quasar colour and their dependence on redshift and angular position, we derive mean quasar ...
Wind directionality and strength affects wetland invertebrate metacommunities in Patagonia
(Asociación Ibérica de Limnología, 2020)
Wind has the potential to shape metacommunities by affecting organism dispersal strength and directionality. Here we evaluate the relative importance of wind in the assembly of wetland invertebrate metacommunitiesof active ...
Relationship between fruit traits and contents of ascorbic acid and carotenoids in peach
(Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2018)