Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 530
Present Perfect Continuous
El alumno será capaz de reportar información,
parafrasear opiniones, historias u órdenes con
palabras propias.
The student will be able to inform information,
paraphrase opinions, stories or orders with their
own words.
Contributions of argumentative semantics for the delineation of the expression of the preterite perfect in Spanish
(Univ Sao Paulo, Fac Filosofia, 2017-07-01)
This paper presents some contributions of argumentative semantics to the study of the functioning of the perfecto simple (PPS) and compuesto (PPC) in Spanish. With this purpose, we discuss how this discipline conceives the ...
Material de repaso para consolidar "Present perfect simple + ever, never"
El siguiente material puede ser de gran ayuda para que los alumnos puedan repasar los
conocimientos adquiridos durante el semestre y prepararse para las siguientes evaluaciones:
Saberes Previos, Extraordinarios y ETS.
(UFRGS, 2012)
The Present Perfect and the Pluperfect as evidentials in the spanish spoken in Quito: A Contrastive Analysis between speakers’ perception and production
(PUCE - Quito, 2019-09-13)
The present perfect (pretérito perfecto compuesto in Spanish) is the most widely used
verb tense in the Spanish language. Its uses vary greatly throughout the Iberian Peninsula and
the Hispanic regions of Latin America. ...
Present perfect vs Simple past
(HuancayoUniversidad ContinentalCentro de Idiomas Continental, 2017)
The Present Perfect in Academic Writing: relevance of information
DOC: The present perfect is not as common as the past tense in most academic and scientific writing, but it does have its place. In this document, you see how the present perfect is commonly used - for relevance to any ...
Present perfect: uma questão de aspecto : um estudo sobre o contexto na compreensão da noção de aspecto subjacente ao present perfect simples em inglês.
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Linguística - PPGL, 2007-09-27)
This study approaches the present perfect simple (PP) in English, a verb
structure that does not have a semantic equivalent in Brazilian Portuguese language.
This fact brings out teaching and learning issues that one ...
Simple past and present perfect in Latin America: inclusion or exclusion of now in the enunciationEl perfecto simple y el perfecto compuesto en Hispanoamérica: la inclusión o exclusión del ahora de la enunciación
(Instituto de Lingüística y Literatura. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Universidad Austral de Chile, 2018)