Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 7198
Sexual Dysfunction Risk And Quality Of Life Among Women With A History Of Sexual Abuse
(Elsevier Ireland LTDClare, 2016)
Sexual DysfunctionDisfunciones sexuales
(Facultad de Medicina, 2012)
The right to feel. Intimate visits and sexuality in men’s jails in the Province of Buenos AiresDerecho a sentir
(Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales, 2019)
Caribbean Sexuality – Mapping the Field
Caribbean sexuality is both hypervisible and obscured. That is, it is celebrated in popular culture as an important ingredient in Caribbean social life and flaunted to attract tourists to the region, yet is shrouded in ...
Satisfação sexual e qualidade de vida em homens jovens
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2018-08-23)
Human sexuality is constituted as a historical, cultural and social construction, which can cover different needs of a subject. Good expression is expressed in values and behaviors, depends on the overall health of the ...
Satisfação sexual e qualidade de vida em homens jovens
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2018-08-23)
Human sexuality is constituted as a historical, cultural and social construction, which can cover different needs of a subject. Good expression is expressed in values and behaviors, depends on the overall health of the ...
Impact of fibromyalgia on sexual function in women
(IOS Press, 2020)
Quality of life and sexual function in postmenopausal women with urinary incontinence Calidad de vida y función sexual en mujeres postmenopáusicas con incontinencia urinaria
(Ene Ediciones S.A., 2008)
Introduction: Aging is a natural unavoidable process that is expressed through physical, psychological, emotional, and social changes, and that can produce undesirable events, such as Urinary Incontinence (UI). This condition ...
(Univ Estadual Paulista-unesp, Fac Ciencias Letras Assis, 2020-12-01)
Life expectancy has increased in Brazil and ageing, as a biological and psychosocial phenomenon, is a phase of attention of professionals and researchers. Although there are prejudices about sexuality in aging, many elderly ...