Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 25233
Text reading in English as a second language: Evidence from the Multilingual Eye-Movements Corpus
(Studies in Second Language AcquisitionCambridge University Press, 2023)
Research into second language (L2) reading is an exponentially growing field. Yet, it still
has a relatively short supply of comparable, ecologically valid data from readers representing
a variety of first languages (L1). ...
Categorizaciones de la lectura y praxis cultural en la era digital: distant reading vs. close ReadingCategorizations of reading and cultural praxis in the digital age: distant reading vs. close reading
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas y de la Información, 2019)
Group work in a reading strategies course
(Sedes Regionales, 2019)
Effects of scaffolded intensive reading on students’ reading comprehension performance
(Instituto de Investigación en Educación, Universidad de Costa Rica, 2017)
Evaluating the implementation and impact of a literature circle among 8th grade students of Unidad Educativa BilingüeTorremar.
(Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil, 2018)
Reading comprehension in Spanish by Quechua-Spanish bilingual children
(Routledge, 2020-11)
This research analyzes data collected by the Young Lives project on childhood poverty. It addresses the effect of socio-demographic, individual, and linguistic variables - focusing on the latter - on reading comprehension ...
(Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, 2020)
Club de revistas del Centro de Servicios a la Salud 1996
(Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA)Comunicaciones, 2016)
Using graded readers for engaging CEFR A2 students to read for pleasure at Universidad Politecnica Salesian.
(Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil, 2022)