Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 11360
Risk Management in Schools
(Daily Express, 2003-04)
This article argues that school administrators need to embrace the concept of risk management, borrowed from the corporate world, to deal with the problems confronting them in respect of school safety and security
Happy Vale Secondary School – A Supportive Environment in Preventing and/or Reducing Obesity
This study investigated some factors that prevented students from participating in obesity prevention/risk reduction practices at a secondary school in Trinidad and Tobago. Data were collected through interviews with eight ...
Experiences of Remedial Tutors in a High-Risk Government Secondary School in Trinidad
This study explored the experiences of two remedial tutors working with students in a high-risk government secondary school in Trinidad. Data were collected through interviews with the young tutors who had been exposed to ...
Violência em escolas com características de risco contrastantes
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação Especial - PPGEEs, 2009-02-09)
The school context was pointed out as favorable in regards to violence prevention efforts. However, Brazilian studies revealed the existence of violence in the schools, in spite
of the absence of valid instruments, and ...
School risk factors and consequences of cyberbullying: a review study
The aim of the present study was to carry out a documentary review about the cyberbullying phenomenon. Specifically, this investigation analyzed researches related to risk factors and school consequences in students of ...
Teaching for understanding and school sport: a study in an intercultural context and situation of social risk
Severe bullying risk factors in three Peruvian highland private schoolsFactores de riesgo de violencia escolar (bullying) severa en colegios privados de tres zonas de la sierra del Perú
(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Medicina Humana, 2009)