Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 212
Localized ant colony of robots for redeployment in wireless sensor networks
(Old City PublishingPhiladelphia, 2014)
Sensor failures or oversupply in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), especially initial random deployment, create spare sensors (whose area is fully covered by other sensors) and sensing holes. We envision a team of robots ...
Neurogenetic algorithm applied to Route Planning for Autonomous Mobile Robots
(Ieee, 2018-01-01)
We developed a bioinspired algorithm to assist in the navigation of an autonomous mobile robot in dynamic environments. The robotic controller uses both an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and a Genetic Algorithm (GA), aided ...
Neurogenetic algorithm applied to Route Planning for Autonomous Mobile Robots
We developed a bioinspired algorithm to assist in the navigation of an autonomous mobile robot in dynamic environments. The robotic controller uses both an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and a Genetic Algorithm (GA), aided ...
Simulator of mobile robots controlled by Artificial Neural Networks to learning courses in robotics
(Ieee, 2020-01-01)
A mobile robot simulator was developed in a computer graphics environment as a didactic tool able to assist the teaching and learning in disciplines that involve mobile robotics. It is also useful in validating control ...
Simulator of mobile robots controlled by artificial neural networks to learning courses in robotics
A mobile robot simulator was developed in a computer graphics environment as a didactic tool able to assist the teaching and learning in disciplines that involve mobile robotics. It is also useful in validating control ...
Vision-based interface applied to assistive robots
(Sage Publications, 2012-10)
This paper presents two vision-based interfaces for disabled people to command a mobile robot for personal assistance. The developed interfaces can be subdivided according to the algorithm of image processing implemented ...
Algoritmos para el procesamiento de imágenes implementados en el Robot Humanoide InMoov.
(Fondo Editorial EIA - Universidad EIA, 2021-05-31)
El mundo de la robótica parecía ser un mundo de ciencia ficción hasta hace pocos años, en las últimas décadas los robots se han incorporado en nuestras vidas apoyando en áreas educativas, medicinales, de transporte y ...
Standing Assistance That Considers User Posture Tolerance
(Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá, 2018)
Standing Assistance That Considers User Posture Tolerance
(Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá, 2018)