Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 21488
Establishing levels of competence in translation: First results of the nact projectO estabelecimento de níveis de competência em tradução: Primeiros resultados do projeto nact
This paper presents the research project the PACTE group is carrying out on Establishing Competence Levels in the Acquisition of Translation Competence in Written Translation. The project aims to propose level descriptors ...
Mapping competencies: identifying gaps in managerial nursing training
(Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2018)
Research Competence Of Pupils As The Component Of Content Of Education
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Planning nursing teaching: Educational purposes and clinical competence
Thinking about nursing education implies articulating this issue with the expressions of theoretical frameworks, from the perspective of a pedagogical aspect that includes both constructivism and competencies. The objective ...
Preparation of technical posters as a tool to improve transversal competences of civil engineering studies
(Tempus Publications, 2019)
Development Of Algorithmic And Mathematical-Logic Competences Of Children In Chile With Scratch
Algorithmic competences for the development of organized operations play an important role in the progress of education and learning of the logical and mathematical reasoning for children. In this context, the visual ...
Development of Algorithmic and Mathematical-Logic Competences of Children in Chile with Scratch
Algorithmic competences for the development of organized operations play an important role in the progress of education and learning of the logical and mathematical reasoning for children. In this context, the visual ...
Pedagogical Competencies of University Teachers: A Case Study, Which Incorporates the Perspective of Chilean Teachers and Students.
The aim of this research was to present a pedagogical competencies model in Higher Education. In addition, to analyze how this theoretical construction was related with the perception of students, teachers and academic ...