Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 175
O administrador como gatekeeper dos fundos de investimento: origem, fundamentos e perspectivas
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo estudar o dever de fiscalização atribuído ao administrador de um fundo de investimento. O tema é explorado sob três dimensões: (i) a origem da eleição de um ator inserido na estrutura ...
Assessing Dodd Frank effects on banking capital structure and Banker´s pay structure
The systemic financial crisis that started in 2008 in the United States had some severe effects in the economic activity and required the bailout of financial institutions with the use of taxpayer’s money. It also originated ...
Reputação institucional e o controle das Agências Reguladoras pelo TCU
(Editora Fórum e Editora FGV, 2019)
La fiscalización administrativa en el ordenamiento peruano: de la heterogeneidad a la regulación comúnAdministrative oversight in the Peruvian legal system: from heterogeneity to a common regulation
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2020)
Restoring Congress’s role in the modern administrative State
(Editora Fórum e Editora FGV, 2018)
Supervisão judicial do financiamento de campanha eleitoral: proteção de direitos individuais, maximização de bens democráticos e modelo antidominação
This research analyses and contrasts the arguments employed by the Brazilian and American constitutional courts on the constitutionality of campaign finance regulation. The judicialization of campaign finance disputes poses ...
Global pharmaceutical regulation: the challenge of integration for developing states
This paper has set out to map the state of pharmaceutical regulation in the developing world through the construction of cross-national indices drawing ...
Beyond ‘best practices': the international regulation of capital markets
It is widely acknowledged that there is considerable international pressure for international ‘best practices’ to be adopted via national legislation. This would occur either by means of model laws or through the passing ...