Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 821
Stop Saying That It Is Wrong! Psychophysiological, Cognitive, and Metacognitive Markers of Children’s Sensitivity to Punishment
(Public Library of Science, 2015-07)
Neurodevelopmental evidence suggests that children’s main decision-making strategy is to avoid options likely to induce punishment. However, the cognitive and affective factors contributing to children’s avoidance to high ...
A educação pelo castigo, na perspectiva da religião católica e do direito penal
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação - PPGE, 2009-06-26)
This is a search on the Catholic religious order and the legal system represented by the criminal law, showing how, according to its regulatory structures, subject to mechanicalrelated offense and the punishment. It is ...
Severe physical punishment: risk of mental health problems for poor urban children in Brazil
(World Health Organization, 2009-05-01)
Objective To examine the relationship between specific types of child mental health problems and severe physical punishment, in combination with other important known risk factors.Methods We conducted a cross-sectional ...
Factores que inciden en el comportamiento delictivo en adolescentes
(Universidad Metropolitana de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología, 2020-08-25)
La procesabilidad en la resolución de libertad condicional
(Instituto de Ciencias Penales y Criminológicas, 2020-10-01)
Luego de presentarse la preceptiva legal sobre la libertad condicional, la misma es desglosada, y expuesto su primer extremo, este es sometido a un análisis que conlleva teorizar sobre una posibilidad de configurarse un ...