Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 219
Prediction of job engagement of teachers based on psychological capital and psychological hardiness
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
The problem of hardiness and anti-social behaviour
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Hardy personality and burnout syndrome among nursing students in three Brazilian universities—an analytic study
(BMC, 2014-03-30)
Nursing students may exhibit the characteristics of resistance to stress, such as hardiness, which can reduce the risk of burnout. ...
Estresse, coping, síndrome de burnout, sintomas depressivos e hardiness em docentes de enfermagem
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBREnfermagemUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem, 2013-03-26)
This research has the objective to relate stress, coping, Burnout Syndrome, depressive symptoms and Hardiness in nursing professors. The hypothesis is that professors with Hardiness personality present low stress is opposed ...
Adaptação acadêmica e saúde mental: uma análise do hardiness em estudantes universitários submetidos a diferentes metodologias de ensinoAcademic adaptation and mental health: A hardiness analysis in university students submitted to different teaching methodologies
(Pós-Graduação em PsicologiaUniversidade Federal de Sergipe, 2023)
Is executive function intact after pediatric intracranial hemorrhage? A sample of Mexican children with hemophilia
The goal of this study was to examine executive functioning outcomes in children with hemophilia who have suffered intracranial hemorrhage. We assessed 10 boys with hemophilia with intracranial hemorrhage; 6 boys with ...
Resiliency, selfesteem and hardiness in children and adolescents with history of abuseResiliencia, autoestima y personalidad resistente en niños y adolescentes con antecedente de maltrato
(Consorcio de Universidades Mexicanas A.C., 2011)
Feelings related to motherhood among women living with HIV in Brazil: a qualitative study
(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis LtdAbingdonInglaterra, 2007)