Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 195
Arquitetura da informação no ambiente digital: avaliando as relações com o direito da propriedade intelectual
(Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), 2012-01-01)
Investigates the relationship between Information Architecture in digital environments with Intellectual Property Rights. The work is justified by the need to better understand the emerging dynamics of Digital Information ...
Arquitetura da informação no ambiente digital: avaliando as relações com o direito da propriedade intelectual
(Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), 2012-01-01)
Investigates the relationship between Information Architecture in digital environments with Intellectual Property Rights. The work is justified by the need to better understand the emerging dynamics of Digital Information ...
A função socioambiental, a teia de interesses e os deveres fundamentais ecológicos : em busca de novas leituras para a propriedade
(Universidade Federal de Mato GrossoBrasilFaculdade de Direito (FD)UFMT CUC - CuiabáPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Direito, 2014-07-14)
A contemporary analysis of property rights suggests a strengthening of ecological duties that
belong to the holder of the right, especially in light of the constitutional command of the
environmental function of property, ...
Arquitetura da informação no ambiente digital: avaliando as relações com o direito da propriedade intelectual
(Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), 2014)
Análisis sobre la legislatura sobre la prescripción de bienes y la relación con la funciones de la Superintendencia de Bienes Estatales en Chincha 2019
Objective: Determine the analysis on the legislature on the prescription of assets and the relationship with the functions of the superintendency of state assets in Chincha 2019.
Methodology: This research corresponds to ...
Análisis sobre la legislatura sobre la prescripción de bienes y la relación con la funciones de la Superintendencia de Bienes Estatales en Chincha 2019
Objective: Determine the analysis on the legislature on the prescription of assets and the relationship with the functions of the superintendency of state assets in Chincha 2019.
Methodology: This research corresponds to ...
El debido procedimiento administrativo en la rectificación de partidas registrales sin la intervención del propietarioThe Proper Administrative Procedure in the Rectification of Registry Entries Without the Intervention of the Owner
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2023)
Las acciones posesorias y su tramitación en la legislación ecuatoriana
Possession is a legal institution protected by law, defined as the tenure of an objectas the lord, owner, or master figure. The concurrence of two elements are required to allow theexistence of possession, which are: the ...
La prescripción adquisitiva de dominio y su perjuicio por gravámenes del propietario registral no poseedor
(Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego - UPAO, 2015)
La prescripción adquisitiva es un modo de adquirir la propiedad debido al transcurso del tiempo, y es así como lo señalan expresamente los artículos 950 y 951 del Código Civil. Es un modo de adquirir la propiedad porque ...