Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 23486
Depression and anxiety symptoms and perceived stress in health professionals in the context of COVID-19: Do adverse childhood experiences have a modulating effect?
(Wiley, 2021)
Background: Adverse childhood experiences (ACE) have a great impact on mental health outcomes of adults. However, little is known whether ACE may act as modulators of the mental health of health professionals caring for ...
Construction of professional identity in novel teachers. Learning experiences: help or hindrance?
(Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 2024)
Operational experiences, military role conceptions, and their influence on civil-military relations
A considerable amount of research within security studies has explored the military's increasingly diverse and multifaceted tasks. However, this debate has been disconnected from the literature on civil-military relations ...
Experiences of professionalized Chilean dental educators. A qualitative study.
(Journal of Oral Research, 2022)
Experiences of the Nursing Professionals Hospitalized by Covid-19 in Peru: Dawning Every Day Meant one More Chance to Live
(SAGE Publications, 2023)
Introduction: Nursing professionals who contracted Covid-19 went from being caregivers to victims of the infection, and they knew first-hand how dangerous it could be. The impact on these health care professionals stayed ...
A recontextualiza????o dos saberes profissionais de alunos de cursos t??cnicos profissionalizantes em experi??ncia de est??gio
(Faculdade de Educa????oPrograma de Pesquisa e P??s-Gradua????o em Educa????oUFBA/Facedbrasil, 2015-11-24)
An international student experience unfolding into professional interests
(Bista, KrishnaMalveaux, Gregory F., 2022)