Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 4044
Mechanisms of educational influence in a Popular Pre-University of Santiago: Control of learning and equity in higher education Mecanismos de influencia educativa en un Preuniversitario Popular de Santiago de Chile: Control del aprendizaje y equidad en la
(Universidad Austral de Chile, 2016)
This paper discusses the role of a popular preparatory school to Universities' admission exams in developing equity access to Chilean Higher Education from the instructional psychology and the social constructivism ...
Mathematical Beliefs Held by Costa Rican Pre-Service Teachers and Teacher Educators
Beliefs have been conceived as a hidden variable in mathematics education. It is important to know teachers’ beliefs as they can inform the way that teachers teach mathematics, make decisions in the classroom, and form ...
Educational Use of Social Media in Primary and Childhood Education Degrees at a Virtual University
The use of social networks is part of people's daily lives, and university students, in their academic life, make particularly intense use of them on a daily basis for different purposes. This research analyses the nature, ...
Imaginaries of pre-service teachers from La Salle University about inclusive education
(Universidad de La Salle. Facultad Ciencias de la Educación. Licenciatura en Español y Lenguas Extranjeras, 2019)
GeraBixo: o cursinho da UNESP de Sorocaba
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2015-09-18)
The pre-university preparatory course GeraBixo welcomes students of Sorocaba and region and prepares them for entry to university. With lectures, simulated tests, shifts of doubts and additional classes , the project ...