Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3998
Pleasure and Variety in Thomas More’s Utopia
(Association Amici Thomae Mori, 2016-06)
The goal of this article is to provide a better understanding of the organization of pleasure (voluptas) in the moral philosophy and in the social practices of the inhabitants of Utopia, the fictional island created by ...
Pleasure-Suffering at work: A case study with rural school teachers
(Univ Federal Santa Maria, 2021-01-01)
This study provides an analysis of the rural schools teachers' perception about the pair pleasure-suffering in their work context. It supported by the theory of Psychodynamics of Work. The literature search included the ...
Pleasure-Suffering at work: A case study with rural school teachers
(Univ Federal Santa Maria, 2021-01-01)
This study provides an analysis of the rural schools teachers' perception about the pair pleasure-suffering in their work context. It supported by the theory of Psychodynamics of Work. The literature search included the ...
Plato and Damascius on Intellectual Pleasures [Spanish]Platón y Damascio sobre los placeres del intelecto
(Universidad del Norte, 2016)
(Univ Estadual Paulista-unesp, Fac Ciencias Letras Assis, 2017-04-01)
The aim of this article is to reflect on pornography in consumer society nowadays. The link between pornographic literature and the French Revolution will be our starting point. We will continue then to show how liberal ...
Psychoanalytic ethics of desire against capitalist morality of pleasureLa ética psicoanalítica del deseo frente a la moral capitalista del placer
(Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (Ecuador), 2013)
Psychoanalytic ethics of desire against capitalist morality of pleasureLa ética psicoanalítica del deseo frente a la moral capitalista del placer
(Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (Ecuador), 2013)
The Last PleasureCurrent writing
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Coordinación de Humanidades, Centro de Investigaciones sobre América del Norte, 2018)
From thermal boredom to thermal pleasure: a brief literature review
(ANTAC - Associação Nacional de Tecnologia do Ambiente Construído, 2012)