Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1023
Risk factors associated with pig pre-slaughtering losses
The incidence of non-ambulatory non-injured (NANI), non-ambulatory injured (NAI)and dead pigs on-arrival at three Brazilian slaughterhouses were evaluated in 37,962 pigs to identify risk factors linked to them, besides ...
A canonical correlation analysis of the association between carcass and ham traits in pigs used to produce dry-cured ham
(Genetics and Molecular Biology, 2017)
Breeding of Ornidia obesa (Diptera: Syrphidae: Eristalinae) on Pig Carcasses in Brazil
(Entomological Soc Amer, 2010-07-01)
On Mho obesa F. (Diptera: Syrphidae) is usually neglected in forensic entomology, although adults are rather frequent on vertebrate carrion. In this study, conducted in southeastern Brazil in 2008, we used two pig carcasses, ...
Breeding of Ornidia obesa (Diptera: Syrphidae: Eristalinae) on Pig Carcasses in Brazil
(Entomological Soc Amer, 2010-07-01)
On Mho obesa F. (Diptera: Syrphidae) is usually neglected in forensic entomology, although adults are rather frequent on vertebrate carrion. In this study, conducted in southeastern Brazil in 2008, we used two pig carcasses, ...
Effects of chestnut (Castanea sativa) meal supplementation on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and meat quality of pigs
(Brazilian Journal of Animal Science, 2023)
Cobre e virginiamicina como promotores do crescimento de suínos.
(Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, Brasília, v.17, n.12, p.1789-1793, 1982., 1982)
Muscoids dipterous insects associated with pig carcass and their parasitoids collected in areas of pasture and of wood in Goias, Brazil
(Arquivo Brasileiro Medicina Veterinaria ZootecniaMinas GeraisBrasil, 2000)