Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1702
Pasture improvement methods for degraded pastures: Establishment and first year of production, Valdivia, Chile
Low sustainability and short persistence of renovated pastures are main issues for pastoral
production systems. Pasture establishment and the first year of production were evaluated
following different pasture improvement ...
Short term sustainability of pasture restoration improvement methods for degraded permanent pastures
Low sustainability and short persistence of renovated pastures are main issues for pastoral
6 production systems. Pasture establishment and production were evaluated following
7 different pasture improvement methods. On ...
Effect of Four Levels of Fertilization on Beef Production and Carrying Capacity of Pangola Grass Pastures in the Humid Mountain Region of Puerto RicoTítulo en español.
(University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Campus Agricultural Experiment Station, 1972)
Chemical Attributes of Soil and Forage Yield of Pasture Recovered with Phosphate Fertilization and Soil Management
Extensive and semi-extensive pastures are the basis of Brazilian livestock production. However, much of it is degraded or in degradation process, with low stocking rate per area. Even with this problem, this management ...
Levels of corn meal based supplement in Nellore steers finished on pasture in the dry season: performance, carcass characteristics and pasture evaluation
(Revista Brasileira Zootecnia Brazilian Journal Animal SciVicosa-mgBrasil, 2010)
Productive Response of Dairy Cows Fed with Different Levels of Totally Mixed Ration and Pasture
Forty multiparous Holstein cows in early lactation (66 ± 19 days) were assigned to one of four treatments that consisted in different ratios of total mixed rations (TMR) and pasture at 100% TMR (T0), 75:25 (T1) 50:50 (T2) ...