Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 26
An optical sensor for measurement of gaseous ammonia
(Elsevier Informacion Professional, S ABarcelonaEspanha, 2000)
Bloch surface waves in photonic crystal fibers
(Medellín - Ciencias - Doctorado en Ciencias - FísicaEscuela de físicaUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín, 2019-09-13)
An electromagnetic surface wave (ESW) is a wave that travels at the interface between two media, and their fields decay exponentially on both sides of the boundary. ESWs are widely studied due to their potential applications ...
Low‑pressure and liquid level fber‐optic sensor based on polymeric Fabry–Perot cavity
(Springer, 2021-04)
An experimental study of the interaction between a Mylar® polymer flm and a multimode
fber-optic is presented for the simultaneous fber-optic detection of low-pressure and liquid levels. The junction between the polymer ...
Fiber optics sensing platform for monitoring biological and chemical species at low-concentrations
(Universidad Nacional de ColombiaMedellín - Ciencias - Doctorado en Ciencias - FísicaFacultad de CienciasMedellín, ColombiaUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín, 2023)
The undertaken research work for this thesis dissertation aims for the development of a fiber optics sensing platform, which allows for the effective detection of chemical and biological species at low concentrations. This ...
Potential of optical waveguide structures to measure the chirality parameter of chiral substances
(Universidad Nacional de ColombiaMedellín - Ciencias - Maestría en Ciencias - FísicaEscuela de físicaFacultad de CienciasMedellínUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín, 2021-02-18)
The chiral molecule interactions depend on their chirality. Important molecules of life such as proteins, enzymes, amino acids, carbohydrates, and so on, are chiral. Chiral substances which interact with them, such as drugs ...