Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1586
The effect of a genre-based approach to the enhancing of writing skills in exposition texts in Eleventh-grade students
The Chilean Ministry of Education for many years has emphasized the importance of developing the four language skills of the English language, being the writing skill one of the most present in activities in textbooks at ...
A estética transcendental kantiana à luz de Strawson
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBRUFRNPrograma de Pós-Graduação em FilosofiaMetafísica, 2008-11-19)
This work s objective is to make a literal interpretation of Kant s Aesthetic transcendental, the first pilaster of sustentation of the epistemology of Kant and to interpret it at Strawson s light. It contains the doctrine ...
Amostragem em avaliações de riscos ambientais ocupacionais
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaCentro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas, 2006-01-25)
This study had as objective to show the sample characteristics for quantitative evaluations of
environmental occupational risks. So, a bibliographic review was done upon the probabilistic and
non-probabilistic kinds of ...
La Colección Zavaleta y su traslado al Field Museum de Chicago: una aproximación desde la vida social de los objetosThe Zavaleta collection and its transfer to the Field Museum, Chicago: A social life of objects approach
(Instituto de Arqueología, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2018)
Arte digital e circuito expositivo: um curto em torno do file
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBRArtesUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Artes Visuais, 2012-03-29)
The objective of this research is to discuss the expositive circuit of digital art in contemporaneity, verifying how digital art is articulated, what its particularities are and how it fits in the art circuit. This route ...
La Colección Zavaleta y su traslado al Field Museum de Chicago: una aproximación desde la vida social de los objetosThe Zavaleta collection and its transfer to the Field Museum, Chicago: A social life of objects approach
(Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Arqueología, 2018)
La colección de objetos arqueológicos y restos óseos humanos depositada en el Field Museum of Natural History de Chicago se inscribe dentro de una compleja trama histórica que este artículo busca explorar. Procedentes de ...
Le Voyage des Six Kakis
Effects of Perspective on the Amplification of Object Sizes that Intercept the Horizon Line
We investigated the effects of texture gradient and the position of test stimulus in relation to the horizon on the perception of relative sizes. By using the staircase method, 50 participants adjusted the size of a bar ...
Text on stage: operations in the staging of "GAZ" by Tom LanoyeEl texto en escena: operaciones en la puesta de "GAS/GAZ" de Tom Lanoye
(Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2021)
The text as object. On the retrieved autonomy of the dramatic textEl texto como objeto. Sobre la autonomía recuperada del texto dramático
(Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2021)