Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 852
Desarmamento nuclear no Direito Internacional: novos discursos, velhas angústias
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2018)
Native perspectives on the origin and decline of institutional mysticism in the CNEA. "Deperonization" and politicization of the "nuclear community" (1950-1973)Perspectivas nativas sobre el origen y el ocaso de la mística institucional en la CNEA. “Desperonización” y politización de la “comunidad nuclear” (1950-1973)
(Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales, 2017)
La energía nuclear de fusión : aspectos históricosNuclear energy by nuclear fusion : historical aspects
(Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2005-10)
La posibilidad de la fusión nuclear controlada se planteó desde la década de 1940 como una posible fuente ilimitada de energía, y los primeros experimentos se realizaron en Estados Unidos en 1951. Se ha convertido en una ...
Nuclear nightmares Also from the usPesadillas nucleares: también en los EE.UU.
(Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, 2009)
A peaceful solution to the nuclear tension in the Korean peninsula
In spite of the efforts of the international community to solve the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) nuclear crisis, this issue remains unsolved. The relevance of this matter lies in the need to find a permanent ...
The joint comprenhensive plan of action on nuclear development as a mechanism of american hegemony over Iran
(PUCE, 2016)
The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action is a legal instrument signed on June 2015 that allows international monitoring to all uranium enrichment plants in Iranian territory in exchange of lifting the sanctions imposed to ...
Nuclear nightmares Also from the usPesadillas nucleares: también en los EE.UU.
(Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, 2009)
Átomos e democracia no Brasil: a formulação de políticas e os controles democráticos para o ciclo do combustível nuclear no período pós-1988
This work analyzes the main developments related to the nuclear fuel cycle in contemporary Brazil, paying special attention to the mechanisms of democratic control applied to nuclear energy policy. Based on literature ...