Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2092
L -Random and Fuzzy Normed Spaces and Classical Theory
(Universidad de La Frontera. Departamento de Matemática y EstadísticaUniversidade Federal de Pernambuco. Departamento de Matemática, 2010)
Index of symmetry and topological classification of asymmetric normed spaces.
(Rocky MT Math Consortiumariz State Univ, Dept Math, 2020)
Let X, Y be asymmetric normed spaces and Lc(X, Y ) the
convex cone of all linear continuous operators from X to Y . It is known
that in general, Lc(X, Y ) is not a vector space. The aim of this note is to
give, using ...
A new method for comparing two Norm Hilbert spaces and their operators
The paper deals with operators on Norm Hilbert spaces over a Krull valued field K. By using carefully selected equivalent norms (i) the perturbation theory of Fredholm operators (see Ochsenius and Schikhof (2010) [7]) is ...
Orthogonality and parallelism of operators on various banach spaces
(Cambridge University Press, 2019-04)
We present some properties of orthogonality and relate them with support disjoint and norm inequalities in-Schatten ideals. In addition, we investigate the problem of characterization of norm-parallelism for bounded linear ...
Generalized Open Mapping Theorem for X-normed spaces
The theory of X-normed spaces over non-Archimedean valued fields with valuations of higher rank was introduced by H. Ochsenius and W. H. Schikhof in [1] and further developed in [2–4, 6, 7] and [5]. In order to obtain ...
Symmetric multilinear forms on Hilbert spaces: Where do they attain their norm?
(Elsevier, 2019-02)
We characterize the sets of norm one vectors x1, ..., xk in a Hilbert space H such that there exists a k-linear symmetric form attaining its norm at (x1, ..., xk). We prove that in the bilinear case, any two vectors satisfy ...
Lower bounds for norms of products of polynomials on Lp spaces
(Polish Acad Sciences Inst Mathematics, 2013-01)
For 1 < p < 2 we obtain sharp lower bounds for the uniform norm of products of homogeneous polynomials on Lp(µ), whenever the number of factors is no greater than the dimension of these Banach spaces (a condition readily ...
Interpolación de operadores en espacios Lp
En el capítulo I presentamos el 'Teorema de convexidad de Riesz-Thorin' y diferentes aplicaciones. Y concluimos con el 'Teorema de interpolación de Riesz-Stein'.
En el capítulo II, hacemos un breve estudio de 'operadores ...
Enhancing Hyper-to-Real Space Projections Through Euclidean Norm Meta-heuristic Optimization
The continuous computational power growth in the last decades has made solving several optimization problems significant to humankind a tractable task; however, tackling some of them remains a challenge due to the overwhelming ...