Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 92
Cantantes movidas y conmovidas: corporeizaciones no vocales de expresiones vocales en la era de los medios masivosCantoras movidas e comovidas: incorporações não-vocais de expressões vocais na era da mídia de massaMoving and Moved Singers: Non-Vocal Embodiments of Vocal Expressions in the Era of Mass Media
(Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2019)
(Universidad de La SabanaDepartamento de Lenguas y Culturas Extranjeras, 2016)
By the end of this module the student will be able to know and pronounce the alphabet. As well as he/she will be able to use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases.
Coordinación vocal: una ventana para el estudio de la regulación mutua en el diálogo psicoterapéutico
Over the last years, research on the connection between aspects of the psychotherapeutic process and itsoutcomes has focused on the study of the techniques and interactions that facilitate psychic change, and on therole ...
Biotic and abiotic sounds affect calling activity but not plasma testosterone levels in male frogs (Batrachyla taeniata) in the field and in captivity
(Elsevier, 2020)
In animals, the expression of diverse reproductive behaviors is hormonally regulated. In particular, vocalizing during courtship has been related to circulating androgen levels, and reciprocally, conspecific vocalizations ...
Análise in silico de potenciais alvos do fator de transcrição zenk em um modelo de aprendizado vocal
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNBacharelado em Ciências e Tecnologia - NeurociênciasInstituto do Cérebro, 2021-09-17)
Memory formation requires gene expression triggered by neuronal activity. This response
includes a series of activity-dependent genes that are thought to mediate the changes
necessary for memory consolidation and ...
Analysis of the Assessment of Vocal Performance Samples of Students of Acting from a Social–Behavioral Perspective
The present study proposes an innovative analysis of the assessment of vocal performance samples (VPSs) from a social–behavioral perspective. The study’s main purpose was to analyze the cooperative tendency of teacher–student ...
Bimodal compositions of gesture and vocalization at the beginning of verbal communicationComposiciones bimodales de gesto y vocalización en el inicio de la comunicación verbal
(Taylor & Francis, 2016-09)
Este trabajo aporta evidencia empírica del rol central que cumple el gesto en el proceso general de adquisición del lenguaje. Estudios previos han puesto de relieve este factor durante el período llamado holofrástico (12–18 ...