Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1205
Phenomenological-narrative contributions to understand the narrative strategies that shape the autobiographical account throughout different moments of the therapeutic process
(PAGEPress, 2018)
Different studies suggest that the strategies and narrative styles that people use to construct their autobiographical accounts have repercussions
on their self-organization, as well as on their identity experience and ...
Autoficción inserta: la traslación de la comedia de stand-up al género narrativo en Cómica, de Abella Cienfuegos
En el presente trabajo se analiza la obra Cómica de Abella Cienfuegos con el objetivo de
mostrar su compleja estructura narrativa caracterizada por lo que denominamos autoficción inserta, término al que se llega a partir ...
Children`s oral production of narratives and constructive memory using prior reading of pictures
With the purpose of approximating two issues, oral narrative and constructive memory, we assume that children, as well as adults, have a constructive memory. Accordingly, researchers of the constructive memory share with ...
Refuge and Immigration. Chilean Documentary Cinema Against an Old Yet New DilemmaRefugio e inmigración. El cine documental chileno frente a un viejo y nuevo dilema
(Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Austral de Chile, 2021)
Jornalismo de subjetividade em podcasts narrativos: uma análise do Praia dos Ossos
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMUFSM Frederico Westphalen, 2023-01-25)
This research presents a study on journalistic narratives and subjectivity in narrative journalistic podcasts. As a research object, we analyzed the podcast Praia dos Ossos, idealized and presented by Branca Vianna, and ...
Planos discursivos em texto bíblico: o fundo narrativo nas versões Almeida Revista e Corrigida (ARC) e Nova Versão Internacional (NVI)
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2017-09-29)
This work aimed to comparatively analyze two versions of a biblical narrative story in the Portuguese language. In our analysis, we based on the studies of Hopper (1979), Reinhart (1984), and Azevedo (1995) on Foregrounding ...
O esquema narrativo canônico nas fábulas de Esopo
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2011-07-07)
This study analyzes, contrasted from the perspective of the journey narrativesemiotics of 08 (eight) Aesop's fables, focusing on the intermediate routegenerative of meaning that fits into the narrative level. It is ...
Labirintos narrativos: a produção de sentidos por meio da composição narrativa da série WestworldNarrative labyrinths: the production of meanings through the narrative composition of the Westworld series
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilJornalismo, 2020)