Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 485
Translation and Telefiction: Multimodal Analysis of Paratextual Pieces for HBO’s Looking
(Universitat Jaume I, 2021-07-27)
This paper presents an analysis of the trailers for a telefiction series originally produced in
English and simultaneously distributed in Spanish in Latin America. Looking (aired between
2014 and 2016 by HBO) was a ...
Multimodality in Preventive Health Posters: A Look at the Structure of the Linguistic Fact and the Ways of Transmitting the MessageMultimodalidad en carteles preventivos de la salud: una mirada a la estructura del hecho lingüístico y a las formas de transmisión del mensaje
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2022)
A relação verbo-visual do texto multimodal em tela da criança em aquisição de escrita e em processo de letramento digital.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2017-09-04)
This research aims to analyze the contributions of digital literacy to the multimodal acquisition of a child's writing from instant messages in the applications: Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp Messenger. It is a case study ...
Gestos na aquisição da língua inglesa em contexto bilíngue: uma perspectiva multimodal.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2020-12-28)
Investigative studies on gesture in second language acquisition within a bilingual
context mobilize a debate between multimodality theoretical perspectives and applied
linguistics, placing the research on relevant and ...
A presença do texto multimodal no livro didático: do texto como pretexto a uma análise linguístico-visual
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilLicenciatura em Letras Português/InglêsUTFPR, 2016-12-01)
This research aims to analyze the approach of visual linguistic analysis of multimodal texts in two Portuguese 1st year of high school textbooks: Vozes do Mundo: Literatura, Língua e Produção Textual (ABREU-TARDELLI; ODA; ...
A strategic approach to multimodal discourse analysis
(Polish Rhetoric Society, 2015-07)
In the paper the author argues that multimodal discourse analysis examines the traditional issues of rhetoric from a pragmatic-discursive perspective and therefore may be regarded as a part of rhetoric. Starting from ...
Relação entre práticas pedagógicas multimodais e atenção conjunta na aquisição da linguagem: o que pensam docentes da educação infantil?
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2021-12-17)
Official documents such as the Common National Curricular Base (BNCC) and the Pernambuco Curriculum advocate pedagogical work for early childhood education focused on play and interaction. In this sense, the aim of this ...
A Multimodal Approach to Teach Novice Researchers How to Deal with Discussion Sessions in Conference Paper Presentations
The nature of spoken academic English is a complex construct if compared with its written counterparts, for example delivering a conference paper presentation and publishing an article in a journal. However, both are genres ...
A multimodal source to teach lecturing skills in english at universitya
Lectures at university have changed dramatically in recent years. We can see how ICTs are central even in more traditional face to face settings. Moreover, an important step forward in this regard is the fact that nowadays ...