Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 328
Constructing Roma migrants : european narratives and local governance
The idea for this book stemmed from two symposia that brought together scholars
from a range of different countries and disciplines to reflect upon the political and
legal context of the mobility of Romani citizens in ...
Migrating and Settling in a Mobile World: Albanian Migrants and Their Children in Europe
Comparative research on migration is a growing trend in academia. Yet very few
studies that compare migrants and their descendants across different sites exist.
Study of the integration of the children of migrants—the ...
The policy of selective migration in Venezuela during the 20th century: from tipology of white race migrant to skilled migrant from Western EuropeLa política de migración selectiva en Venezuela durante el siglo xx: desde la tipología de migrante de raza blanca hasta el migrante calificado proveniente de Europa Oriental
(Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), 2023)
Transit Migration in Europe
Transit migration is a term that is used to describe mixed flows of different types of temporary migrants, including refugees and labor migrants. In the popular press, it is often confused with illegal or irregular migration ...
Confessional factor in migrants’ adaptation proces
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Confessional factor in migrants’ adaptation process
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Pathways and consequences of legal irregularity : senegalese migrants in France, Italy and Spain
Irregular migration has become a politically controversial issue in most immigrantreceiving countries. Academic research has shown that states and their immigration
policies actively create the legal conditions for the ...
Integration Processes and Policies in Europe: Contexts, Levels and Actors
This book brings together two developments. First, it presents the new state of the
art of research on migration and integration in Europe, thereby constituting a fol-
low- up to the fi rst IMISCOE Research Network ...
Aproximaciones críticas a las luchas de migrantes Latinoamericanos: Antagonismo, reproducción social de la vida y "excedencia" en arenas de confrontación global
(Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios Etnolingüísticos y Antropológicos, 2018)