Integration Processes and Policies in Europe: Contexts, Levels and Actors
Registro en:
Garcés-Mascareñas, Blanca
Penninx, Rinus
This book brings together two developments. First, it presents the new state of the
art of research on migration and integration in Europe, thereby constituting a fol-
low- up to the fi rst IMISCOE Research Network book Dynamics of International
Migration and Settlement in Europe, edited by R. Penninx, M. Berger and K. Kraal
and published by Amsterdam University Press. Second, the initiative for this book
was triggered by the INTERACT research project, led by the Migration Policy
Centre of the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence and fi nanced by the
European Commission’s European Investment Fund. The INTERACT project’s aim
is to study ‘the impact of origin countries on the integration of migrants in host
countries’ and to identify and analyse ‘the links established between migrants and
their countries of origin, [including] their nature, the actors involved (individual and
collective, state or non-state) and their impact on the various dimensions (economic,
civic and political, cultural, social) of migrants’ integration in the host country’ (EIF
grant application form, December 2012).