Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 131
Sex and credit: Do gender interactions matter for credit market outcomes?
(Elsevier B.V., 2018)
This paper studies the effects of gender interactions on the supply of and demand for credit using data from a large Albanian lender. We document that first-time borrowers assigned to officers of the opposite sex are less ...
Impacto do crédito rural e seguro rural na produção agrícola no estado de São Paulo
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Economia - PPGEc-SoCâmpus Sorocaba, 2020-04-29)
Rural credit and rural insurance have an important role for the agricultural sector, once they are the main public policies to incentive agricultural production. Rural credit reduces the farmers's budget constraint, finances ...
Substitution effects in private debt: evidence from SMEs
The external finance of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is limited to private debt such as bank credit and trade credit. SMEs generally prefer bank credit over trade credit because the former tends to be less ...
Substitution effects in SME finance
We investigate whether SMEs with demand for credit increase their trade credit usage after they experience a negative shock to bank credit. We base our analysis on a large sample of SMEs from the five biggest European ...
Impactos da restrição ao crédito rural nos estabelecimentos agropecuários brasileirosThe impact of rural credit restriction to brazilian farmers
(Universidade Federal de ViçosaBREconomia e Gerenciamento do Agronegócio; Economia das Relações Internacionais; Economia dos RecursosDoutorado em Economia AplicadaUFV, 2015)
The real effects of bank-firm relationships
We investigate whether and how bank relationships affect real economic activity. We base our analysis on matched credit and labor data from Brazilian firms during 2005-2014. We document that firms with more bank relationships ...
A prática brasileira de celebração de tratados para evitar a dupla tributação e a posição do país quanto a adoção de cláusulas de crédito fictício e presumido
(Florianópolis, SC, 2019-12-05)
Este trabalho de conclusão de curso versa sobre os tratados internacionais para evitar a dupla
tributação. Foi proposta a análise da prática e do posicionamento brasileiro em face a
negociação destes tratados, além de ...
Ratings, qualidade creditícia e estrutura de capital em países emergentes
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilAdministraçãoUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em AdministraçãoCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2023-02-01)
The companies' access to credit is a relevant factor to enable investments and the development
of companies. In this sense, instruments for measuring the ability of companies to honor their
debts are crucial for creditors, ...
Ecuador, microcrédito: ¿negocio o inclusión financiera?
A matched difference between the effective rate that banks and other not government
institutions that work with microcredit charge and the effective rate charged by some saving
and credit cooperative is presented here. ...