Mostrando ítems 1-4 de 4
Maximilian Kolbe on the stage: the problematics of witness in Maximilian Kolbe: martyr of charity and The birds of the night
(Univ Estadual Paulista-unesp, 2019-07-01)
The martyrdom of Franciscan priest Maximilian Kolbe, assassinated in the Nazi concentration camp in Auschwitz, is represented in the Polish film Maximilian Kolbe: martyr of charity (1991) and in the Brazilian play The birds ...
De Bispo A Santo? Cipriano De Cartago Como Um Bispo-Mártir Exemplar Na Vita Cypriani, De Pôncio
(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-05-29)
In this study, we seek to analyze a narrative dedicated to the life and death of Saint Cyprian of Carthage, converted to the Christian faith in the vicinity of 246, elected bishop near 248-49, and crowned as a martyr in ...
La incidencia de las políticas de seguridad implementadas por el estado de Israel en el proceso de radicalización de la sociedad palestina de la Franja de Gaza
(Universidad del RosarioRelaciones InternacionalesFacultad de Relaciones Internacionales, 2014)
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the process of the radicalization of Palestinian society of the Gaza Strip aiming to respond the question, in which way the security policies implemented by the State of Israel have ...
Amenazas pasadas presentes y futuras: las guerras asimétricas
(Universidad Santo TomásProducción Editorial, 2020-04-14)