Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1442
Pfaffia paniculata (Brazilian ginseng) extract modulates Mapk and mucin pathways in intestinal inflammation
Ethnopharmacological relevance Pfaffia paniculata is an endemic Brazilian plant traditionally used against fatigue, stress, inflammation and low immune system as well as with proven intestinal anti-inflammatory activity. ...
Probiotic lactobacilli as a promising strategy to ameliorate disorders associated with intestinal inflammation induced by a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
(Nature Publishing Group, 2021-01-12)
Damage to the small intestine caused by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) occurs more frequently than in the upper gastrointestinal tract, is more difficult to diagnose and no effective treatments exist. Hence, ...
Experimental evidence of MAP kinase gene expression on the response of intestinal anti-inflammatory drugs
(Elsevier B. V., 2015-09-01)
The etiopathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is unclear and further understanding of the mechanisms that regulate intestinal barrier integrity and function could give insight into its pathophysiology and mode ...
Contribution of non-immune cells to activation and modulation of the intestinal inflammation
(Frontiers Media, 2019-04-10)
The mucosal immune system constitutes a physical and dynamic barrier against foreign antigens and pathogens and exerts control mechanisms to maintain intestinal tolerance to the microbiota and food antigens. Chronic ...
Análise histopatológica do efeito da olmesartana em modelo animal de mucosite intestinal induzida por metotrexato
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNBiomedicina, 2016)
Yoghurt consumption regulates the immune cells implicated in acute intestinal inflammation and prevents the recurrence of the inflammatory process in a mouse model
(International Association for Food Protection, 2011-05)
Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, two forms of inflammatory bowel disease, are important problems in industrialized countries. The complete etiology of these two diseases is still unknown but likely involves genetic, ...
Intestinal inflammation in Chilean infants fed with bovine formula vs. Breast milk and its association with their gut microbiota
(Frontiers Media S.A., 2018)
© 2018 Ossa, Yáñez, Valenzuela, Gallardo, Lucero and Farfán. Introduction: Compared to bovine formula (BF), breast milk (BM) has unique properties. In the newborn intestine, there is a homeostatic balance between the ...
Anti-inflammatory effects of aloe vera on soy meal-induced intestinal inflammation in zebrafish
Antidiarrheal and intestinal antiinflammatory activities of a methanolic extract of Qualea parviflora Mart. in experimental models
(Elsevier B.V., 2013-12-12)
Ethnopharmacological relevance: An ethnopharmacological survey indicated that the bark from Qualea parviflora Mart. (Vochysiaceae) could be used to treat gastrointestinal disorders, such as diarrhea and intestinal inflammation. ...