Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 377
Indigenous worldviews and inclusive education: insights into participatory video and the practice of Buen Vivir of the Misak community
There is limited research about inclusive education and indigenous people in Colombia. Therefore, there is a need to empirically explore this phenomenon in the country. Out of all the indigenous tribes and communities in ...
A Cosmovisão indígena como elemento orientador da administração sustentávelThe Indigenous worldview as a guiding element for sustainable administration
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNAdministraçãoDepartamento de Ciências Administrativas, 2022)
La religión y el despertar de los pueblos indígenas en América Latina
(Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa, 2006)
On the notion of suffering in the Bribri indigenous populationSobre la noción de sufrimiento en la población indígena Bribri
(Sistema Editorial y de Difusión de la Investigación (SIEDIN), Universidad de Costa Rica, 2023)
Worldview of mining in the Middle of the WorldCosmovisión de la minería en la Mitad del Mundo
(Universidad UTE, 2014)