Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 75
Glycoprotein assay based on the optimized immittance signal of a redox tagged and lectin-based receptive interface
(Elsevier B.V., 2016-09-15)
Glycoproteins play important roles in biological systems such as in process related to cell binding, signaling and disease. Consequently, novel, potentially quantitative, and rapid electroanalytical approaches capable of ...
A dual marker label free electrochemical assay for Flavivirus dengue diagnosis
Dengue is a RNA viral illness of the genus Flavivirus which can cause, depending on the pervasiveness of the infection, hemorrhagic dengue fever or dengue shock syndrome. Herein we present an electrochemical label free ...
Optimized electrochemical biosensor for human prostatic acid phosphatase
(Elsevier B.V., 2017-12-01)
An innovative and sensitive label-free electrochemical biosensor platform for detecting human prostatic acid phosphatase (hPAP) is proposed herein. The methodology uses impedance-derived immittance functions (ImFs) for ...
(Pergamon-elsevier Science LtdOxfordInglaterra, 1994)
A nanoscale redox-active composite as a low-fouling interface for capacitive assaying
An electro-active nanoscale composite was engineered to serve as an alternative to monolayers in a capacitive biosensing platform. An electrochemical impedance-derived spectroscopic method was applied to analyse the response ...
Electrochemical detection method
(Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial (INPI), 2013-11-07)
Electrochemical detection method and related aspects Herein is disclosed an electrochemical test method comprising (i) comparing how a plurality of immittance functions and/or components thereof vary with a change in a ...
Audiologic results in patients with Moebius sequence
(Elsevier B.V., 2007-09-01)
Objective: Moebius sequence is a pathology not very well understood regarding to the hearing status. the main goal of this study was to describe the audiologic findings in children and adolescent who carry Moebius ...
Electrochemical detection method
(Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial (INPI), 2014)
Desenvolvimento de biossensor impedimétrico/capacitivo para detecção de biomarcadores de importância clínica
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2017-03-24)
A técnica de espectroscopia de capacitância eletroquímica foi recentemente utilizada com sucesso para detecção de biomarcadores de interesse clínico, como o caso da proteína C-reativa (CRP), que está relacionada com ...
The bilinear transformation in microwaves: A unified approach
Probably the first encounter of a student of microwave circuits with a bilinear transformation takes place when he studies impedance transformation and matching. Later, when he advances in the study of high frequencies, ...