Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3821
Design da interface de um aplicativo e visualização de dados para auxiliar o uso do método sociométrico
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilDepartamento Acadêmico de Desenho IndustrialArtes GráficasUTFPR, 2014-07-23)
This paper of End of Course is a proposal of an graphical interface and a data visualization that helps professionals to use the sociometric method developed by Moreno.
Ferramentas visuais de teste de interfaces gráficas para checar conformidade de requisitos não funcionais
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáDois VizinhosBrasilEngenharia de SoftwareUTFPR, 2019-07-05)
VGT (Visual GUI Testing) tools can be used to automate tests that are performed manually through the graphical user interface. Such tools combine the use of scripts with image recognition, and their use can save time and ...
Aplicação do software R na classificação de áreas associadas à produtividade da soja e variáveis agrometeorológicas por meio de agrupamento Fuzzy
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáMedianeira, 2013-08-20)
This study aimed to apply an approach on the use of the R software based on fuzzy clustering for classification of areas associated with soybean yield, together with meteorological variables: rainfall average, average air ...
Graphics Platform for Curves and Surfaces
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2015-08-13)
El proyecto profesional que se presenta a continuación, tiene como tema principal el desarrollo del Proyecto Graphics Platform for Curves and Surfaces (GPLACS) cuya meta final consiste en la creación de un software que ...
Graphical representation of geometric series
(Wolfram Demonstration Project, 2011)
Introduction to Special Issue on Visualization Applied to Software Engineering
Software visualization is a broad research area whose general goal is to enhance and promote the theory, realization, and evaluation of approaches to visually encode and analyze software systems, including software development ...
Embedded Graphic User Interface for Automotive Cluster
(ITESO, 2017)
Novas mídias e interação infantil: projeto gráfico de aplicativo lúdico para tablet
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaDepartamento Acadêmico de Desenho Industrial, 2012-11-06)
This work displays the developing of the graphic project of a game for kids between 05 and 08 years old, called Wah!, which has the iPad tablet as the base plataform of this developing. In the theoretical foundation, the ...